Friday, January 22, 2010

Install Windows 7 as a Virtual Machine

If you would like to use Windows 7 and still use Windows Vista or XP, rebooting your computer every time can be a pain. A virtual machine (VM) can be used to simulate hardware and run Windows (or any operating system) within Windows.

Install Virtual Box
Virtual box is a VM host that facilities in VM creation and deployment. To install virtual box:

1.Download Virtual Box.
2.Install Virtual Box and ensure all options are
selected via the Custom Setup.

3. You’ll be asked whether you want to install drivers; these are essential and should be installed.

4. Open Virtual Box and click New.

5. On the Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next.

6. Give the VM a name (Windows 7 will do) and select Windows 7 from the Version drop down list.

7. Select the amount of memory you want to use (I recommend using no more than half your physical RAM amount i.e., 4GB RAM = 2GB allocated.)

8. Select Create new hard disk.

9. Click Next.

10. Select Dynamically expanding storage and click Next.

11. Choose where you will save your VM data.

12. Click Next.

13. Click Finish.

14. Click Finish to create your VM.

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